Project 4 Final
Film Title: Catcher
Film Genre: Horror
Project trope: Big eye
A - Decision Log
Thursday 12th - Tuesday 17th
For the first couple days of the project I was away for some private issues which I had to sort out, so I had to rely on my partner to explain to me what we have to do and also do majority of the work whilst I was away. I was going to make sure that when I came back I figured everything we have to do and help him out as much as possible and do as much work as possible.
Monday 6th January
This was the first lesson back, so this lesson my plan was to get introduced to the project and what it is all about, I wanted to know how far into the project we are and what work I have to do so that I can settle in and start with the work. In the first lesson after getting introduced into the project I sat down with Seb and we figured out what we are each going to do for next lesson.
The next lesson we figured out we will find the best font possible for our poster and also that I will start on my blog and catch up with any work I was behind on. We also decided to get start on the colour palette for our poster, meaning what colours we are going to have in the poster and which would be the best to suit the genre and trope of the film. Towards the end of the lesson we started to talk about the mock-up poster and how we imagine it should look like.
Tuesday 7th January
For today's single lesson we decided to get feedback on the mock-up posters we made at home, majority of the feedback I would say was positive and a lot of the people said the same things they liked and disliked which made it pretty easy to figure out what we have to change in it. Right at the end of the lesson we decided to take pictures of everything we needed so that was a model standing straight and a picture of someones eye, preferably female.
Wednesday 8th January
Plan for today's lesson was to start on our final poster. As we had an extra lesson I decided to spend one lesson catching up with blog work that was needed for this project so that I wasn't too far behind on everything.
In the afternoon lesson, we realised that the pictures we took the a models eye wouldn't work, so we had to quickly retake them of someone and use them. We finally managed to get a picture and we started on with our final poster.
Thursday 9th January
My plan for this lesson after seeing how close I am to finishing the poster was to put that to the side and do all the blog work I needed to do, I almost finished all of it but had to leave it for another day. I spent both lesson working on the blog as I still had a lot to do and I was on the final stage of my poster, I already got some feedback from my peers on what they think of my final, so I was at a good position.
Friday 10th January
In today's single lesson I finished off my poster and got my peers to have a final look at it and comment on anything they think needs changing. After their comments on my poster I changed everything I needed to change and was finally complete. The only thing that my peers told me to change on my final poster was to stick to one font and only use one of them in my poster not two, they also didn't like one of the fonts I used and they thought it looked too basic and didn't suit the poster and the genre, they thought the other font I used was the one that suited the genre and trope fully.
B- Schedule

C- Research existing posters and cliches in your film posters
Good posters:
The thing I like about this poster is the colour scheme of it and the hand coming out of the eye. The colour scheme in the poster gives a really dull and scary feeling to it as it's really pale.
The thing I like the most about this poster is that it has a bit more colour than the others, the eye in the poster is the main focus point and the first thing that someone will focus on in the poster overall. I also like how the whole colour design of the eye fits in, into the theme of Frankenstein as he was a monster.
The thing I like the most about this poster is the colour as it's not like your typical horror poster where the colours are either dark, or dull colours to represent the theme of the film and the tone, whereas here it's a lot brighter. I also like the use of the black figure in the eye as it gives a strange feeling as if that's the reflection in the eye and there is a person standing in front of the person.
The thing I like in this poster is the mood it brings and the colours being used in them. I also really like the font that is used in this poster as it kind of represents the word 'Hypnoses'. The women the screaming in the eye creates a really strange and uncomfortable mood for the person looking at the poster.
Bad Poster
The thing I don't like about the poster is the layout and the font used. I think the font used isn't right and doesn't suit the rest of the poster. The colour used in the poster are also a bit too bright and I think if they were a bit darker it would of set a lot better tone and mood to the poster.
The only thing I dislike about this poster is the font being used as I think it doesn't really suit the rest of the poster and the layout it is set out in.
D) Practice Your Photoshop Skills

My Remake


My Remake
E- Plan your own poster.
Film Title: Catcher
Film Genre: Horror
Project trope: Big eye
Story: The Catcher will be about an American high school student who is left home alone for the weekend as her mum has gone on a work trip to Japan, Things are all fine till she notices that someone or something is in house and has to find her way out from a psychotic murder that's on the loose in the area.
Elements in a horror:
Dark rooms
Jump scares
Heavy Breathing
Jump scares
Heavy Breathing
Build ups
Elements needed on Poster:
The film title: The Catcher
Directors and main featuring actors
Tagline: You Can't Hide forever
Social media trends and accounts.
Release Date
Production Company
Big eye trope
Elements needed on Poster:
The film title: The Catcher
Directors and main featuring actors
Tagline: You Can't Hide forever
Social media trends and accounts.
Release Date
Production Company
Big eye trope
Props and Costume
In the poster we will not need any costumes or any extra props as all we need to do is take a picture of two models and that is it.
In the poster we not using any images of any locations so they will not be needed as well.
Colour Palette

For the main visual of the protagonist positioning/framing from the film poster 'The Grudge 2', this is because it captured a person at un eas that I felt suited the genre of my film poster, horror. As well as the framing of the character I liked how it was focused upon The one eye visual by being simple yet effective.
For the framing of inside the eye I used inspiration from the film poster 'CANDYMAN', I liked the Red eye in the poster as I felt it gave a mysterious and dark visual with the dark figure inside the eye additionally the bee on the eye which fits with the theme of horror.
For the positioning of the titles and credits, from the film poster 'THE RETURN', this is because I liked how the titles and credits were bold and clear, without overpowering or dominating the visuals. I also wanted to use the same positioning as I felt it was attractive and fitted well to the framing I envision for my poster because I want to capture the same simplicity and a good balance between visuals/framing and titles with credits.

F - Feedback On Draft
Draft Feedback From Peers
After showing the drafts to a lot of my peers majority of them gave the same feedback. The things they liked about it was the shadow inside the red eye and simplicity in the poster and that there wasn't too much going on in poster. The things they disliked about the poster was to do with the text. I got told that the font I used wasn't correct for the poster and didn't fit in, into a horror theme and with the rest of the poster. Also, I got told that the positioning of my text wasn't the best and the text looks misplaced and that I should change it. Other than those two dislikes my peers liked everything else in my poster. So for my final I will keep the simplicity in the poster and I will use different font and I will also try and position it in the correct place.
G- Take Pictures
H- Edit
The first thing I had to do was cut out the model and turn him into a black figure as I will use it as a shadow in the eye.
The next step was to edit the photo of the models eye. All I had to do was remove some of the hair in the middle of the face, and just clean the image up a bit. Also I had to change it to black and white.
The next thing I did was I placed the red eye and the black figure inside of the eye. I used the blur tool to make the eye look like it's the actual eye and make it blend in better.
I then added the text. I used the 'Living Hell' font. I added a bit of stroke and shadow the text to make it stand out more and make it fit in better as well so it's not too plain and basic. I also added a little black border around the whole image to create an uncomfortable mood and make it more creepy for the viewer.
I then added credits, release date and the tagline to the image. I also added stroke and a shadow to the release date and tagline in the image and used a different font for it, I used 'Scream Real' With the credits I just left it in plain white and placed it right at the bottom and made it small as well.
Final poster - Before feedback
I- Peer feedback
How could I improve my poster?
With the feedback I got from my peers, majority of them said I should just stick to one font as it will look a lot better and make it more appealing to the audience. They also think the font I used for the tagline and release date was too basic and font I should of stuck with was the one I used in the title.
Are the genre and film trope clear in the poster?
With the feedback I got from my peers, they all said that the genre and film trope is clear from the colours I used and also from the layout and simplicity I did with the poster.
Is the quality of my poster good?
My peers said commented that the quality of my poster was good, they said even though it was basic it was catchy at the same time. They also said that it was straight forward to the point and you could figure out what genre it was and what the film could be about.
J- Revision to Edit.
For my final poster I used all the feedback I got from my peers and changed the things they recommended me to change.
Final Poster Design
K - Review of Final Poster
What makes your poster standout?
The thing that makes my poster stand out from others I think would be the simplicity in the design that it has and because of that I would personally say it's really eye catchy. I also think that due to it being simple and basic and to the point it will be easy for the audience to figure out what genre and trope it is, that's one thing that stands out about it as well is that it is really easy to figure out what genre it is. I think that the text also makes the poster stand out with the stroke and outer-glow around it.
What are some elements you want to improve on?
The elements I would like to improve on next time is taking advantage of the free space I have on the poster, as on my one currently there is a lot of free and wasted space. I think if I added something to those areas it would make the poster look a lot better and make it stand out even more. I think that if I also used a location, being that an image of the wild, that would add a nice mood and feeling to the poster by giving a bigger picture of what he film could be about.
What changes to your workflow could you make in future projects to improve your outcome?
To improve my workflow for next time, I think I will have to create a better time management and make sure I follow the schedule completely and not ignore a few things and finish them another day meaning I will have more work on one day and have nothing on another. I would also like to take advantage of as much free time as possible to complete as much work as possible before the deadline, also with my schedule I would want it to be more detailed so I know exactly in detail about what I'm doing.
How did you improve your photoshop skills?
I improved a fair bit on my Photoshop skills in this project, I learnt a few things about to create better lighting in an image and also blend two images into one and make it look realistic which is something I had to implicate in my poster.
Font wise you could have picked something a but stronger, also, you did a lot of work on blending images, and its a shame that this is missing those skills. Also think about using all the negative space